Kanpur police today lodged a complaint in connection with the alleged assault of national level Kabaddi player Sneha Singh, popularly known as Dolly, after conducting a medical test on her.
According to the medical examination, Dolly suffered several minor injuries but a medical report from a private medical hospital showed a fractured nose.
"After receiving the medical reports, complaint have been lodged against the culprits under the IPC section 323, 504, 506, 452 and 325," SSP Kanpur Shalabh Mathur said.
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"Under the supervision of SP, our force has been divided into two teams to search for the culprits", he added.
The incident took place on Jun 15 near her house when the two accused, Ujala Thakur and Gandhi, misbehaved and tried to molest Dolly but she resisted the attack.
The two accused landed at her house the following day and allegedly beat her with lathi causing a fractured nose. Her relatives also suffered minor injuries due to the abrupt attack.
Though culprits threatened the family from going to the police, the same day Sneha went to the Barra police station and filed a written complaint.
However, according to Sneha, "the police took the complaint very lightly and filed the case under minor sections."
"They did't even try to catch hold of the culprits," she claimed.
It was only yesterday that Dolly went to SSP Shalabh Mathur with her complaint, after which she was sent for the medical test.