CRPF chief K Vijay Kumar said the force has been following the government's policy that development and police action should go 'hand-in-hand' and they will help the state and central governments to develop public welfare amenities in these places by providing armed security.
Kumar said the forces' operation in Saranda forests of Jharkhand last year has bore fruit and the state government is deploying its administartion there to ensure development works are started.
"We are following the government's policy of development and police action going along. All the areas that need our attention are being assisted," the CRPF DG said on the sidelines of an event here.
Top officials in the force said that inter-state borders of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Odisha's Malkangiri districts are the focus areas for the central force as these zones witness huge Naxal activity.
The areas of Rohtas district in Bihar and Sonebhadra in Uttar Pradesh will also get development funds under the Integrated Action Plan (IAP), sources said.