Responding to a question in Rajya Sabha, Minister of state in Human Resource Development Ministry D Purandeswari also admitted that a survey had shown that there was a decline in reading and basic arithmetic levels in some states.
"The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) points to decline in the reading and basic arithmetic levels in some states," Purandeswari said in her reply.
"However, the two round of National Learners' Achievement Surveys conducted by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) have revealed improvements in overall learning levels," she added.
Purandeswari added that the findings of the third round of National Learners' Achievement Surveys conducted recently for Class V indicate that there is enhancement in the level of achievement in most states.
Purandeswari also said that the Central government's expenditure on school education, literacy and higher education increased by over 28 per cent in 2010-11 over the year 2009- 10.