NCP MLA Ramesh Kadam, accused of massive irregularities in the state government-run Annabhau Sathe Development Corporation (ASDC), has indulged in corruption to the tune of Rs 500 crore, Minister of State for Social Justice Dilip Kamble said here today.
Replying to a calling attention notice in the state Assembly by Anil Gote (BJP) and others, the minister said the CID report in the case has found Kadam was instrumental in purchase of 59 luxury cars from the Corporation's funds.
The vehicles were used by NCP functionaries, including some district and tehsil unit chiefs, the minister said, tabling the CID report in the House.
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"We will ensure that those behind corruption in the corporation are arrested within a month," Kamble said.
Gote demanded the names of those who used the luxury cars be announced in the Assembly.
NCP MLA Shashikant Shinde objected to Kamble's reply, saying the Minister cannot comment as the matter is sub-judice.
Kadam was arrested from Pune in August last year by the state criminal investigation department (CID).