Samajwadi Party leader Shivpal Singh Yadav, who was sacked from the Uttar Pradesh Cabinet, on Thursday said he never nurtured an ambition to become the chief minister and will always remain a "disciplined soldier" of his brother Mulayam Singh Yadav.
Talking to reporters, en route to Saharanpur, he said,"I never wanted to become chief minister. Had I wanted, I could have been in 2003 but I supported Mulayam Singh Yadav and he became the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh."
Shivpal said that he may or may not be the SP state president but will always remain a "disciplined soldier of Netaji (Mulayam)".
He said SP will form a 'Mahagathbandhan', as was in Bihar polls, with secular parties to check BJP from wresting power in Uttar Pradesh.