Union Textiles Minister K Sambasiva Rao will release a new BT Cotton Seed, developed by Southern India Mills' Association (SIMA) Cotton Research and Development Association here on January 18.
SIMA has entered into agreement with Hyderabad-based Kaveri Seed Company, a sub-licencee firm of Mahyco-Monsonto, to co-market the new SIMA GKD 1 BT cotton, Seed, Association sources said.
The Association has already given some 2,000 packets (each 450 gm) on a trial basis to farmers of Andhra Pradesh and Karnatka and the quality and yield was good and farmers were also happy, they said.
Rao would also unveil a plaque for the proposed PSG-SIMA Textile Technical Training Institute at Nilambur, on the outskirts, on the day, the sources said.