Results of the JEE (Main) exam 2013 for admission to NITs, IIITs and other centrally-funded institutes were declared today.
The shortlisted 1.5 lakh candidates will sit for the JEE (Advanced) for seeking admission to the IITs.
In all, 12.60 lakh candidates had registered for the JEE (Main) held last month, said a release issues by CBSE which conducted the test. The advanced test will be held on June 2.
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The examinations to undergraduate engineering programmes are being held under a two-tier format for the first time.
The new format is part of HRD Ministry's move to have a single engineering entrance examinations for all technical institutes across the country.
Under the new format, 40 per cent weightage will be given to Class XII results in JEE (Main) after normalisation of marks of different state boards.
While JEE (Main) will determine admissions to all NITs and other engineering institutes, 1.5 lakh students will be screened for eligibility to appear for JEE (Advanced).
According to officials, the merit list for admission to NITs and other institutes will be prepared after adopting a set of three factors for normalisation of marks.
They are: "0.6 multiplied by the marks obtained in JEE (Main), 20 per cent weightage of the percentile of a student calculated from his XII board marks, and 20 per cent weightage of the percentile of a student calculated amongst the candidates who appeared in JEE (Main) 2013 from the Board of the candidate".