Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday took a dig at his Haryana counterpart, Manohar Lal Khattar, for not accepting his offer for mutual inspections of government dispensaries, saying the people would vote for schools and hospitals and not religion during the next elections.
In his letter to Khattar, the Delhi chief minister had, on November 2, offered him a visit to the Mohalla Clinics of the Aam Aadmi Party government. Kejriwal had also wished to inspect state-run dispensaries in Haryana on Monday.
Kejriwal, who did not receive any reply from Khattar, shot another letter to the Haryana chief minister.
"I wrote a letter to you on November 2. It was not replied. Felt a little hurt. Whatever our political differences, dignity calls for a reply by a Chief Minister to the letter by another Chief Minister.
"You did not reply. Should not I consider that you accept that hospitals and schools have improved very much in Delhi and those in Haryana are not in a good condition?" Kejriwal asked.
He warned Khattar that the people would not vote this time on the basis of religion. "The next government in Haryana will be formed by those who do their work and construct schools and hospitals.
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