He said the Commission would take cognisance of alleged rights violation cases, if any, reported from the affected areas.
"In such type of cases, many people are subjected to many problems. We will look into all such individual cases," said Balakrishnan at the inauguration ceremony of Manav Adhikar Bhavan - NHRC's new office in GPO Complex.
Expressing concern over the increase in number of human rights violation cases being reported from various parts of the country, Balakrishnan said, "The increasing number of complaints received in NHRC does indicate the growing awareness about human rights but also about the increasing violations thereof."
The commission has received nearly 12,80,000 complaints so far, out of which 12,50,000 have been disposed of. Apart from punitive action against the guilty public servants, crores of rupees have been recommended as relief to several victims and their next of kin, he said
"The number of complaints against police remains very high. NHRC would urge the Centre and State Governments to continue to make efforts to train and guide the policemen, especially at Chowki and Thana level, who directly come in contact with public," said Balakrishnan.
The commission is concerned about high number of under-trial prisoners who constitute 65.7 per cent of prison population. The tendency to arrest is needed to be curbed in small offences to ensure that undertrial prisoners do not crowd prisons, he said.
Balakrishnan also laid stress that there is a need to strengthen the mental health care system in country, which according to him is the most neglected one in health care system.
"The number of mental health care centres in the country in government sector is not more than 43 and barring a few, almost all these centres are short of psychiatrists, trained paramedical staff and other resources," he said.
"We have filed an application in the Supreme Court for directions to all concerned for improving the situation.
"Hopefully, with the passage of the Mental Health Care Bill 2013, pending before the Rajya Sabha, concerns relating to this sector will be addressed," said Balakrishnan.