A day-long workshop to sensitise and familiarise official machinery about bonded labour and its abolition will be held in the national capital tomorrow.
The workshop, 'Elimination of Bonded Labour', is being organised by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in collaboration with the Karnataka government.
The aim of the workshop is to sensitise the district magistrates, sub-divisional magistrates, state labour officers and members of vigilance committees, brick kilns, stone crushing and other related industries about the continuance of bonded labour, an NHRC statement said.
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Also, to make them aware about the process of identification, release and rehabilitation of bonded labourers and familiarise them with the provisions of Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976 and other related legislations, the statement added.
The workshop will be chaired by Justice D Murugesan, member, NHRC.
The Commission was asked by the Supreme Court of India in 1997 to get involved in the monitoring of the implementation of the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976.
Since then, the NHRC has been overseeing the implementation of the Act in different parts of the country and so far organised 35 workshops on elimination of bonded labour.