Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, in a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, has reiterated his request for CISF security at Bodh Gaya Buddhist shrine, scene of July 7 terror attack.
Kumar in his letter to the PM, written on July 29, sought his intervention for the Centre to accept the state proposal and pass an instruction to Union Home ministry in this regard. A copy of the letter was released to the media today.
He reiterated that the state government was prepared to meet the expense for the purpose.
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Referring to the serial bomb blasts in Bodh Gaya on July 7 involving terrorist organisations, Kumar urged the PM to treat the proposal (of CISF cover) as urgent and crucial.
He informed him that the NIA (National Investigation Agency) had been entrusted with the responsibility for investigation into the blasts.
The CM pointed out that Mahabodhi temple was not just another religious shrine. Rather this ancient temple which also encloses the site of Vajrasana(the spot where Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree, mediated and attained enlightenment 2600 years ago) is the holiest place of Buddhist pilgrimage in the world.
That is why the temple complex was given the status of a World Heritage site in 2002.
The opposition BJP today vociferously protested the Bodh Gaya serial blasts in Bihar Assembly and blamed the state government of inaction even after 25 days of the incident.