"...Taking into account the difficulties faced by individual recipients of gifts from their friends at IGI airport...The Customs no longer insists on the submission of authorisation prior to clearance of imported gifts and the Customs clearance is given immediately," Finance Ministry said in a release.
Such authorisation is required to be given within a week of the clearance of the item, it added.
The Finance Ministry's statement comes after reports said the Customs is insisting the courier companies to produce an authorisation from the recipient of the gifts before allowing clearance.
"It is clarified at the outset that there is no delay in the clearance of gift parcels at the IGI Airport, Courier Terminal, New Delhi," Finance Ministry said.
The Finance Ministry, however, acknowledged that the facility of import of goods by courier companies has been attempted to misused by unscrupulous people importing goods in the guise of gifts.
"...Therefore, while ensuring quick clearance of genuine gift consignment the Customs is alert to any misuse and shall ensure that the facility is not exploited," it said.