BJP national general secretary Ram Madhav today said there is nothing in the Common Minimum Programe (CMP), arrived between BJP and PDP to form the government in Jammu and Kashmir, which can be described as compromise by the saffron party as the document is for providing good governance and stable government.
"I assure you that there is nothing in the CMP that can be described as compromise by us. It is a CMP for good governance and to give development-oriented stable government," he told reporters on the sidelines of a talk on Current Socio-Political Situation in Jammu and Kashmir here.
The BJP-PDP government is a "governance alliance, not ideological alliance - it cannot be categorised as political alliance also," he contended.
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Madhav stressed that the party has not compromised its political stand on controversial Article 370, but the Common Minimum Programme with PDP was arrived for "larger interests of the nation".
"We do not have common views on Article 370 - but for giving a stable government and fulfilling constitutional obligations, we arrived at common understanding on the issue - to maintain the present constitutional status of Jammu and Kashmir. I don't think there is any compromise on it. To achieve larger interests of the nation, politics offers us to go for impossibilities," he said.
Madhav said the BJP has taken a measured and calculated position on Armed Forces Special Power Act (AFSPA), an issue on which the party and PDP have different views.