A day after Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda said the state will fight till end to secure its share of water, Punjab's ruling Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) today said there can be no compromise on the Riparian principle of sharing river water.
The party dismissed Hooda's statement on the water issue as "of no consequence and just playing to the gallery ahead of the Lok Sabha polls and the forthcoming Assembly elections in Haryana."
The government has always maintained that the issue of river water should be resolved as per the accepted Riparian principle, the SAD statement said.
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The Riparian System is based on principle that the owner of land adjacent to a water body has a right to reasonable use of that water.
The statement further said "Riparian principle was never violated while settling water disputes in the country be it in Narmada, Cauvery or others. There is no valid, logical or Constitutional reason why this should be flouted only in the case of rivers flowing through Punjab."
"The state has already paid a heavy price for excesses committed in this regard by successive Congress governments at the Centre," it added.