Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today said people will not be forced to install a "faulty" meter and they can get any of the authorized meters available in the market inducted in their water connection.
"I have asked the Delhi Jal Board officials to examine the meters. Meter sample has also been sent. Moreover, I have directed them not to force anyone to use this particular meter," Kejriwal said.
He was replying to reports of meters, which were declared faulty by him during his protest against inflated water bills last year, being installed by the Delhi Jal Board.
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Kejriwal also urged people to install meter to avail the incentive on pipeline water supply by the Delhi Jal Board.
"Incentive of free 20 kilo liter per month to each household will encourage people to install meter. Earlier, people were not serious about meter. Now it will give them an incentive to install meter to avail free water," he said.
The Chief Minister today called a meeting of DJB officials to discuss the matter pertaining to "faulty" meters and directed them file their report in a day or two.