With elections due in Haryana this year, consumers will be spared from any power tariff hike in Haryana, as the state's power distribution comanies today announced it had not proposed any increase in tariff 2014-15 financial year.
"Despite having low present tariff and higher aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses in comparison to most of the neighbouring states, the Haryana Discoms (Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam and Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam) have not proposed any tariff hike for the financial year 2014-15," said Haryana Principal Secretary (Power) Devender Singh said today.
He further said the present tariff has also been revised downward for domestic sector giving a benefit of about Rs 200 per in bi-monthly bill.
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However, Singh said there was a tariff hike of merely 13 per cent in Haryana last year. "Thereafter, there has been no increase in tariff," he said.
The tariff in Haryana for domestic consumers is minimum Rs 2.98 per unit and maximum Rs 5.98 a unit.
He said the discoms have revived the old telescopic system of tariff.
"Now, the consumers recording consumption of 0 to 40 units per month in their meters will be charged at a tariff of 298 paise per unit. The tariff for 41 to 100 units per month will be 475 paise per unit.
On the units from 101 to 250, the tariff will be 490 paise per unit. For units between 251 to 500, the tariff will be 560 paise per unit. And, for units from 501 to 800 per month, the tariff will be 598 paise per unit," he said.
For monthly consumption above 800 units, the consumers will have to pay at the rate of 598 paise per unit for entire consumption.
Singh said as the power distribution system in Haryana is lengthier because of socio-economic and geographic reasons as the state has highest density of agriculture tube wells (more than 11 tube wells per square kilometre) in the country.
Because of this fact the distribution losses in the state are comparatively higher, he said.
The distribution losses in Haryana are 24.92 per cent compared to 14.90 per cent in Delhi, 15.08 in Punjab, 18.18 in Rajasthan, 21.81 per cent in Uttar Pradesh and 18.09 in Gujarat.
The average purchase cost in Haryana is Rs 3.95 per unit compared to Rs 3.67 in Punjab, Rs 3.92 in Delhi, Rs 3.81 in Rajasthan and Rs 3.64 in Gujarat.
Likewise, the cost of supply in Haryana is Rs 6.12 per unit compared to Rs 5.33 in Punjab, Rs 6.40 in Delhi, Rs 5.97 in Rajasthan, Rs 5.54 in UP and Rs 5.08 in Gujarat.