TiE Hyderabad & Woxsen School of Business today announced the launch of TiE-Woxsen Entrepreneurship Development Program 2017.
"The program will give start-up entrepreneurs the chance to connect with each other and improve their entrepreneurship skills", TiE Hyderabad said in a statement.
Under this program, 20 start-ups would be chosen and taken through a workshop program of six days covering two weekends. It includes knowledge sharing sessions by the faculty of Woxsen School of Business and entrepreneurs and captains of industries from diverse sectors, it said.
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Veen Pula, Chairman, Woxsen School of Business, said, "Engaging young start-ups and continuing to inspire them with the fodder of industry updates and advanced techniques to strategise their next move is becoming a must in this era".
"Today's start-up trend tells that many start-ups are not seeing the light of the day as the mortality rate is increasing. This can be caused by many factors. The most important one being preparedness of the startup founder along with his perseverance which needs to be continuously nurtured. This program is one step towards this nurturing", said Pradeep Mittal, President, TiE Hyderabad.
A recently released industry study revealed startling facts about Indian startup scene which said only one in 10 start-ups manages to survive for more than five years due to entrepreneur's lack of ability to solve multiple testing factors in the entrepreneurship cycle, according to the statement.