With Narendra Modi's controversial pinstripe monogrammed bandhgala suit attracting a bid of over Rs 1.2 crore, JD(U) today took a jibe at the Prime Minister, saying the piece of cloth was "historic" and should be kept in a "museum", instead of being sold away.
Taking a dig at PM, JD(U) President Sharad Yadav said the suit should be kept in museum for viewing of future generations.
"The suit is historic in nature. It should not be sold, but kept in a museum. The future generation can view it and they can learn a lot of it. No one should ridicule it...All this will increase tourism," Yadav said, with a sense of sarcasm.
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A Surat-based textile businessmen yesterday bid a whopping Rs 1.21 crore in an auction for Modi's bandhgala suit that he wore during US President Barack Obama's visit to India last month.
Up for auction were also two T-shirts of Modi including one gifted to him by Cricket Australia during his visit to Australia in November. The T-shirts were among 237 clothes and textiles items put for auction.
In all, 455 items that Modi had received as gifts during his nearly nine-month long tenure have been put for auction to generate funds for the Prime Minister's ambitious 'Clean Ganga Mission'.