President Barack Obama says Donald Trump is waging a White House campaign based on "simplistic solutions and scapegoating."
In an interview today on NBC, Obama says Trump is appealing to people's fears and uncertainty about the future. Asked how seriously the front-running Republican candidate should be taken, Obama says, "Talk to me if he wins."
But Obama concedes the country is more divided than he promised. When asked if he felt responsible for that, he said, "It's a regret."
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But he said he "could not be prouder" of his accomplishments.
Vice President Joe Biden, who also appeared on the show, said "I think it's possible" that Trump could win the presidency.
If that happens, Biden added, "I hope that he gets a lot more serious about the issues, a lot more serious about gaining knowledge about how this nation functions in foreign policy and domestic policy.
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Clinton understands that the decisions one make in this job mean life or death; affect soldiers and veterans, and workers who need a good job or a raise or a decent retirement.
"She understands that it counts for families who are trying to climb into the middle class or stay in the middle class, and kids who are looking for getting a decent education. And she listens to people, and she keeps her cool and treats everybody with respect," he said.
"No matter how daunting the odds, or how many times she gets knocked down, she doesn't point fingers or complain that everything is rigged if it doesn't work out the way you want it to. She doesn't check her mic. She just worries about getting up, and working harder. And she doesn't quit. That's the Hillary I know. That's the Hillary admire. That's why I believe that she is more qualified to be President of the United States of America," Obama said.
Clinton, he said, has got real plans to address the real concerns that she has heard on the campaign trail.
"This (presidential election) isn't an audition for like some show. This ain't a show. She's got specific ideas to invest in jobs, to help workers share in their company's profits, to put more young people and children and toddlers in preschool, to make sure that students get through college without taking on a ton of debt. She actually is sweating the details. She cares about this stuff," he said.