In its bid to save cattle from cruelty, Odisha govenrment today decided to provide financial support to registered private Goshalas (protective shelters for cows) operating in the State.
Secretary Fisheries and Animal Resource Development, Bisnhupada Sethi said that this support would be extended from current year. The Goshalas would be provided financial grant for ensuring proper food and shelter to stray cattle.
Stating that presently there are 26 registered goshalas in the state, Sethi said Goshalas are integral part of the States' diversified cultural heritage. The domestic animals provide economic and social security to the human beings.
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The financial assistance to be provided by government would be an incentive for the private Goshalas and would meet a part of their total expenses for the animals, Sethi said adding that such financial support is being introduced for the first time in the state. The assistance would be provided at the rate of Rs 16,000 per cattle per annum, Sethi said.
Seti said the registeredGoshalaswilling to avail assistance under the scheme will have to apply to Chief District VeterinaryOfficerof their districts.
He said that the by-productsofGoshalassuch as the cow dung, urine andPanchagavya(cow milk, curd, ghee, cow urine and cow dung) can be used as medicines, manure, disinfectants,organic pesticides.
The goshalas can tie up with various bio-processing units coming up in the State. Apart from that they can also take up in-situ conservation of indigenous cattle breeds of Odisha in the native track, Sethi said.