The proposed Museum would be built at a cost of Rs 12 crore over 12.68 acres at Gandamunda on the outskrit of the state capital, official sources said adding the state government would consult Rahul Jain of Mumbai-based Prince of Wales Museum, Shobita Punja and K K Basa of National Culture Fund.
"The state will also take the help of Rakesh Thakore, Bibhu Samantray, Rajesh P Singh, Reeta Kapoor and others for collection of handloom designs," they said.
The proposed museum would comprise handicraft block, handloom block, bonsai garden, an open air auditorium and village complex besides workshop block and cafeteria.
The village complex would display the state's rural environment like mud houses, wooden sign boards, wooden doors and windows and brick and stone roads. Local items would be utilised for making landscapes in the proposed museum.