To ensure free and fair Lok Sabha polls, district election officers and police officers of Haryana, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh today held a meeting in Sonipat to discuss how to fine tune arrangements.
Commissioner, Rohtak Division, Chandar Prakash, District Magistrate of Bagpat, Ajay Deep Singh, ACP of Alipur, Delhi Ghansham Bansal, SP Bagpat J K Sahi, District Nodal Officer, New Delhi Pawan Kumar Rana, Deputy Commissioner Panipat Ajit Balaji Joshi among those present, officials said.
It was decided to have a complete check on liquor mafia and exchange of arms and money on the basis of information, they said.
Commissioner, Rohtak Range Anil Rao said there was need to inspect all nakas and check-post located at the borders to ensure peace during the elections.