Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today asked the power department officials to immediately start work to ascertain feasibility of Baglihar- III project to give power generation a fillip in the state.
"The State Power Development Corporation need to immediately start work for ascertaining feasibility of Baglihar-III project utilising the existing infrastructure, so that indigenous power generation receives yet another fillip in the state," Omar said.
The Chief Minister, while chairing the 70th meeting of Board of Directors of SPDC here, said self-reliance in power generation is imperative for laying strong edifice for the State's economic development and welfare of the people.
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"This is the sector which promises financial independence and all-round development of Jammu and Kashmir," an official spokesman said quoting Omar.
The Chief Minister was informed that Baglihar-II HEP is being completed by the end of September 2015 while the work on 93 MW new Ganderbal project will start shortly, the spokesman said.
The meeting approved Rs 3,416 crore budget for the Corporation for the year 2014-15 and took decisions on various agenda, and also discussed the issue of regularisation of daily rated workers of SPDC, he said.
Matters relating to the execution of Brenwar Stage-II HEP in IPP mode, execution of 100 MW Parkachik-Panikher project on river Suru in Ladakh and 80 MW Shutkari-Kulan on river Sindh by IPPs were also discussed in the meeting, he said.
Launch of power project on coal block allotted to Jammu and Kashmir, construction of 24 projects under IPP mode, financial closures of 48 MW Lower Kalnai and 37.50 MW Parnai HEP were also discussed in the meeting, the spokesman said.