On the first anniversary of the Swachh Bharat Mission, the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) today launched a cleanliness drive in Connaught Place, the heart of the national capital, and various parks under the civic body's jurisdiction.
The drive was inaugurated by Urban Development Ministry secretary Madhusudhan Prasad, who painted the pillars in the inner circle of Connaught Place.
"The NDMC has been selected by MoUD as one of the 100 smart cities to participate in the Smart City Challenge Stage-2. The government is ready to provide funds and technical assistance but cleanliness is very important to convert the area into smart city," he told reporters.
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"We have tried to ensure that Swachh does not be just a symbolic drive but things improve on the ground. We have also procured infrastructure to maintain cleanliness in all the areas. We are vying for the smart city tag and work is being carried out in a phased manner," he said.
A fortnight special cleanliness campaign was also launched by NDMC today in association with Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs)and Market/Traders Associations for cleaning streets, lanes, bylanes, markets and parks.