Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Wednesday said the opposition parties are very eager to come to power but lack the courage to debate on the development works undertaken by the BJP-led government in 48 months, compared to their 48 years.
He was speaking at 'Jan Vishwas Rally' in Bhuna town here. He announced development projects worth Rs 127 crore for Ratia, Bhuna and Fatehabad at the rally.
"They are very eager to come to power, but they do not have the courage to debate on development works undertaken by our government in 48 months as compared to their 48 years' tenure," Khattar said.
Haryana was carved out of erstwhile Punjab on November 1, 1966.
"They try to mislead people, but they do not have the guts to debate on issues," he said.
Khattar said equitable development has been carried out in all 90 assembly constituencies of Haryana during the last four years, but the opposition was unable to bear it.
He claimed that the BJP will return to power in Haryana after next year's assembly polls and the pace of development will be further accelerated.
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