Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ananth Kumar on Wednesday termed as "unfortunate" the walkout by Opposition in the Lok Sabha over the demand for an obituary reference to those killed in Nagrota terror attack, and said the entire nation pays tributes to the security personnel.
"This is very wrong and unfortunate. When action is till going on, combing operation is going on, walking out from the House by making it an issue is not done," he told reporters outside Parliament.
"The entire country and the government and all of us, we pay tributes to the soldiers who have attained martyrdom and our hearts reach out to their families. But at the same time when the operations are still on, making it an issue in the House and staging walkout and walking in whenever they (the opposition) feel to disrupt the House is not done," he said.
Opposition members walked out of the Lok Sabha as their demand for an obituary reference to the soldiers who died in the terror attack on an army camp in Jammu and Kashmir was rejected by the Speaker on the grounds that final details were yet to emerge.