Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Sanjay Sharma reserved the orders on a plea by actress-turned-author Seema Seth, who had sought lodging of an FIR against Bhandarkar, alleging that the plot and idea for 'Fashion' was stolen by Bhandarkar from her book El-Dorado which was published three months prior to the release of the film on October 29, 2008.
The court reserved the order after hearing arguments by Seth, who argued her case in person despite court's suggestion to avail legal aid from Delhi Legal Services Authority.
Seth has contended that Bhandarkar indulged in "clear-cut violation of the Copyright Act. She has also made Ronnie Screwala of UTV Motion Pictures a party in the case where she has sought compensation to the tune of Rs 2.5 crore.
"All the plot and the idea has been stolen from the said book wherein the story begins in Kolkata, where an aspiring model wishes to go to Mumbai but her father opposes and mother supports," Seth said.
"Careful reading of the said book vis-a-vis the story of the said movie would conclude that all the story/script has been taken from the said book without my permission," she had contended.
Seeking a direction for lodging of an FIR against Bhandarkar and others under "appropriate" section of the IPC and for violation of Copyright Act, Seth had sought expeditious hearing of her case. (More)