The Bombay High Court was today informed that the defunct Shakti Mills compound in central Mumbai, where a photojournalist and telephone operator were gangraped in separate incidents last year, has been secured by fencing and a new gate.
Public Works Department (PWD) officials informed Justice N M Jamdar today that they have completed securing of the outer wall of the mills' premises by fencing it with barbed wire and a gate.
The high court had taken up the issue of securing the premises soon after the gangrape cases in June and August last year. The court was hearing the winding up petition of the defunct mill.
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Justice Jamdar today asked assistant official liquidator to inspect the premises next week and submit a report by June 6.
"After the inspection, we will decide on commencement of phase 3 of the clearing and securing of the premises," the court said.
According to PWD, fencing and putting up of new gate which was part of phase 2 has cost Rs 55 lakh.
As per the three-phase plan set by the high court, phase one included clearing of the shrubbery and trimming of trees.
Phase two included putting up of barbed fencing and securing the compound wall and construction of sliding gates and security cabins.
Phase 1 was completed in October 2013 which cost Rs 17 lakh.
The third phase would involve pulling down of the structure inside the site which has become dilapidated and dangerous and lighting of the entire premises.
The estimated cost for all the phases is approximately Rs 1.58 crore.