Over 55.05 lakh tonnes of paddy arrived in the grain markets of Haryana till yesterday as compared to 43.20 lakh tonnes during the corresponding period last year.
A Food and Supplies Department spokesperson said here today that of the total arrival, more than 42.39 lakh tonnes of paddy have been purchased by the government procurement agencies and the rest by millers and dealers.
Giving further details, he said that more than 19.36 lakh tonnes of paddy were purchased by the Food and Supplies Department, over 14.96 lakh tonnes by Hafed, 4.35 lakh tonnes have been purchased by the Haryana Agro-Industries Corporation and more than 3.71 lakh tonnes of the crop purchased by the Haryana Warehousing Corporation.
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He said that Karnal district was leading in paddy arrivals at 11.89 lakh tonnes.
The spokesman said that farmers have been advised to clean and dry their harvest properly before bringing it to the market so that no problem is faced in storage due to high moisture content.