An international study today said that fish population which is "critical" to human food security is declining worldwide while the marine ecosystem in India is under "huge" pressure due to overfishing.
A study conducted by WWF - Living Blue Planet Report - found that while over-exploitation is identified as the major threat to ocean biodiversity, climate change is causing the ocean to change more rapidly now than at any other point in millions of years.
"The marine ecosystem in India is under huge pressure from overfishing, overcapacity as well as non selective fishing methods. Poor enforcement of fisheries regulations as well as those related to coastal development and pollution are contributing to the depletion of our marine resources and degradation of the marine ecosystem.
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"There is a pressing need to put in place a strong conservation strategy for the sustainable management of our coastal and marine ecosystems," said Vinod Maliyalethu, WWF India's marine programme coordinator in a statement.
The updated study of marine mammals, birds, reptiles and fish shows that populations have been reduced on average by half globally in the last four decades with some fish declining by close to 75 per cent and also that the findings "spell trouble" for all nations, including India.
To reverse the downward trend, WWF global leaders must ensure that ocean recovery and coastal habitat health feature strongly in the implementation of the UN's sustainable development goals that will be formally approved later this month.
WWF report indicates that species essential to commercial and subsistence fishing, and therefore global food supply, may be suffering the greatest declines.
The report details the dramatic loss of 74 per cent of the family of popular food fish that includes tunas, mackerels and bonitos. The report also shows a decline of 49 per cent of marine populations between 1970 and 2012.
The analysis tracked 5,829 populations of 1,234 species, making the data sets almost twice as large as past studies and giving a clearer more troubling picture of ocean health.