The Jammu and Kashmir Government today said that it has received nearly Rs 1,500 crore from the Centre under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) in past five years, while it has spent over Rs 2,200.
In a written reply to a question by Congress legislator Jugal Kishore in the Legislative Council, Minister for School Education Tara Chand said the Centre has released around Rs 1,483.78 crore under the SSA since 2007, while an expenditure of Rs 2,216.07 crore was incurred under the schemes for the given period.
He added the state has contributed around Rs 1,178.85 crore towards the scheme.
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Replying to another question by Congress member Jehangir Hussain Mir, Chand admitted that district-wise school mapping was required to be done under Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) and said that the task has been taken up through Remote Sensing and Environment Department J&K.
He added that 526 middle schools have been upgraded to the level of high schools so far, under the RMSA in the state.
The minister, however, said that once the school mapping is completed, the exact number of schools to be upgraded or opened will be worked out.