Altogether 80 rice mills engaged by the Civil Supply Corporation have not attended the 'mandis' since December 29 in violation of the agreement made with the Corporation, official sources said today.
As a result, paddy stock of farmers were lying in the 'mandis' and farmers forced to spend sleepless nights.
Similarly in view of the development some farmers have decided to keep the harvested paddy in the thrashing yard. According to the report from Supply department as on December 29, 1,52,658 tonnes of paddy were already procured in 112 'mandis', a senior official said.
Incidentally agriculture department has assessed paddy production to the tune of 4 Lakh 8887 tonness in the district during last kharif season, whereas state has fixed kharif procurement target of 2,69,170 tons.
To tide over the crisis the district administration is negotiating with the agitating mill owners.