Citing the incident of Shiv Sena activists storming the BCCI headquarters in Mumbai protesting against the resumption of bilateral cricket series between the arch-rivals, the ICC President Zaheer Abbas today said he feared for Pakistan players' security during the World T20 in India next year.
The much-anticipated talks between BCCI President Shashank Manohar and his Pakistan counterpart Shahryar Khan was today cancelled after Shiv Sena protested against a possible Indo-Pak series in the UAE in December.
"Pakistan and India cricket authorities must work it out, otherwise I fear the Pakistan players could also refuse to tour India for the upcoming World T20 Cup, citing security concerns," former Test captain Abbas told a news channel.
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The Twenty20 World Cup is scheduled to be held in India in March-April.
A three-member delegation of the PCB -- Shahryar, the chairman of the Executive Committee Najam Sethi and chief operating officer Subhan Ahmad -- are presently in India to meet the BCCI officials on Indo-Pak cricketing ties.
Earlier, Zaheer had told the Pakistani media that politics and sports should be kept apart and the arch-rivals should play at a neutral venue in December to help reduce tensions between the two countries.