Pakistan imported goods worth Rs Rs 48,012 crore from India during the past four years, Commerce Minister Makhdoom Amin Fahim said today.
In contrast, Pakistan exported goods worth Rs 9,974 crore from India between 2008-09 and 2011-12, Fahim informed the Senate or upper house of parliament in a written reply.
Giving a break-up, he said Pakistan's exports to India during fiscal 2008-09 were worth Rs 2,435 crore while imports were valued at Rs 9,347 crore.
In 2009-10, exports were worth Rs 2,249 crore and imports Rs 10,287 crore, while exports of Rs 2,260 crore and imports of Rs 14,905 crore were recorded in 2010-11.
During 2011-12, exports were worth Rs 3,029 crore and imports Rs 13,474 crore, he added.
According to figures recently released by India's Commerce Ministry, Pakistan's exports grew faster than imports after the two countries initiated steps to normalise trade relations.
Pakistan's exports during April-December 2012 showed a growth of 66 per cent over the same period in 2011.
In contrast, India's exports to Pakistan grew by 16 per cent during April-December 2012.
The exports to India in the nine-month period were valued at USD 460 million, significantly higher than exports of USD 277 million during April-December 2011.