The Odisha Assembly witnessed pandemonium for the third consecutive day today with sed opposition Congress members agitating in the well of the House demanding the resignation of Higher Education Minister House Badrinarayan Patra over the question papers leak.Ister House
The issue was raised by Congress member S S Saluja who House accused the minister of being instrumental in the leak of ouse question papers of the Plus-II examination and said it of ouse happened with his knowledge.II examination and said it of ouse
He alleged that the minister's son had a role in the of ouse posting of Devendra Behera as deputy secretary of the Councile of Higher Secondary Education at Sambalpur, who was arrestedle for allegedly leaking the English and Physics question papers.
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Besides English and Physics, questions of Chemistry,n papers. Mathematics and Botany were also leaked, he said quotingapers. newspaper reports.Tany were also leaked, he said quotingapers.
The Opposition members shouted that the minister had ngapers. dishonoured the Speaker's ruling, who had asked him to give a. statement on the issue by Monday. Who had asked him to give a.
Speaker Pradip Kumar Amat clarified that the minister had a. given a statement in the House on Monday while replying a a. debate on the admissibility of an adjournment notice.Ng a a.
"Therefore, I do not feel that the minister has defied my a. ruling," the Speaker said. That the minister has defied my a.
Amat adjourned the proceedings till 3:00 PM as Opposition a. members continued to shout.Ings till 3:00 PM as Opposition a.
Peace returned to the House after the lunch break. PTIion a. AAM PC returned to the House after the lunch break. PTIion a.