Tamil Nadu Chief Minister O Panneerselvam along with his senior cabinet colleagues would visit Ramanathapuram district to honour Muthuramalinga Thevar on the eve of Guru Poojai on October 30.
The Chief Minister would place a wreath at the Muthuramalinga Thevar Memorial located at Pasumpon village in Ramanathapuram village, an official release said.
Housing Minister R Vaithilingam, Cooperative Societies Minister Sellur K Raju, Food Minister R Kamaraj, Sports and Youth Welfare Minister Sundarraj, Revenue Minister R B Udayakumar, Slum Clearance Board chairman K Thangamuthu and Housing Board chairman R Murugaiah Pandiyan would also place wreaths on behalf of the Tamil Nadu government, it said.
The event marks the 107th birth anniversay of freedom fighter U Muthuramalinga Thevar and 52nd Guru Poojai celebrations.