The film directed by Suhail Tatari and produced by Bhatt, is based on the real life story of a well-to-do entrepreneur's sudden demise while being operated on. The movie also stars KK Menon.
Paoli who made heads turn with her bold scenes in "Hate Story" says she is not require to shed clothes for this movie.
"I have started shooting for 'Ankur Arora Murder Case'. It is an exciting project and I am happy that it is with Vikram again. The shooting is half done and it looks good. I play a lawyer in the movie and it is based on a real life incident. Myh earlier film demanded bold scenes so I did it, this one doesn't," Paoli told PTI.
The actress is here to attend the 43rd IFFI for two of her Bengali movies.
The 32-year-old has taken a break from the shoot to attend the festival for her films.
"Last year also my movie was in competition but I couldn't attend. This year I requested Vikram to let me go for few days as it is a great honour that two of my films are in competition," she added.