Uproarious scenes were witnessed in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha like in the last seven days with the CAG report on the coal block allocation issue creating turmoil with BJP paralysing the proceedings by pressing for resignation of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
In the Rajya Sabha, BJP members refused to take part in the House proceedings shouting slogans and vehemently refusing to read out their Special Mentions. However, N K Singh, a member of NDA ally JD-U, laid it seeking urgent measures to address the problem of declining growth rate of export.
As soon as the two Houses reassembled after the first adjournment till noon, opposition members were on their feet shouting slogans like "Koyla Dalalon Ki Sarkar Nahin Chalegi (we will not allow government run by coal brokers)". They were countered by Congress members.
In the Rajya Sabha, Renuka Chowdhary led the Congress charge and shouted back at the BJP saying "sit down or go out" while her other colleagues chanted "BJP ki gundagardi nahin chalegi (BJP's hooliganism won't be allowed).
A short notice question, which was listed, could not be taken up as the BJP member who was supposed to ask it declined to do so and no supplementary was asked by any other member.
Soon BJP members trooped into the Well in both Houses while those from AIADMK as well as the CPI-M were standing.
As the slogan shouting continued, both Houses were adjourned for the day. (MORE)