Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar today cautioned members of the Legislative Assembly that they may be under threat if they try to divulge any name or place where narcotics are sold, on the floor of the House.
"It can be a security risk for you. You are not realising it," Parrikar said stopping the members from divulging the spots where drugs are sold and names of people involved in narcotics trade.
"In the case of drugs, the economic interests and criminals are involved, so don't name them in public," he said.
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The Chief Minister's caution came in response to the discussion by two legislators - Aleixo Reginaldo Lourenco and Subhash Faldesai - who brought to the notice about sale of narcotics.
Lourenco claimed that the narcotics like weed were being freely made available to college-going youths, who consume it in the parties.
He told the members to confidentially provide the information to the government about the drug selling points in the state, especially near colleges.
"You give me information confidentially and we will act on it," Parrikar said.
Responding to the question about sale of drugs near colleges, Parrikar said that the state government can play a limited role when youth consume drugs after the college hours.
"The parents should control the students," he said.
Parrikar said Goa government was contemplating to appoint counsellors in all colleges to curb the instances of drug addiction.