Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan today said the "entire Kashmir region would also have been an integral part of India" if the matter had been entrusted to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
"All credit for the current geographical boundaries of the country must go to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Patel merged princely states in the Union of India. Had the Kashmir issue been entrusted to him like other states, the entire Kashmir region would also have been an integral part of India," Chouhan said.
Chouhan, along with Union Minister Ananth Kumar were among those who participated in the 'Run for Unity' held today to mark the 139th birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
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The run was conducted from IBST Bus Stand to BHEL Dussehra Maidan today.
On the occasion, he urged people to resolve to make any sacrifice for the country's unity and integrity.
The Chief Minister also administered the pledge of national unity on the occasion.