Arjuna awardee Rakesh Kumar would be the star attraction of the "Patna Pirates" team that would vie for title in +Pro Kabaddi Leauge+ on the lines of famed IPL starting from July 26.
Rajesh Shah, owner of the Patna franchisee team, told reporters that International level coach Ramveer Singh will be the team Coach and two foreign players Tae Deok Eom (south Korea) and Dovlet Bashimov (Turkmanistan) would provide strength to the team.
The Kabaddi Leauge championship is organised by the +Marshal Sports+ whose chairman and noted TV commentator Charu Sharma was present at the meet.
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Sharma said the Kabaddi leauge like IPL aims to improve lots of kabaddi players and to popularise the the country's traditional game.
Rakesh Kumar said "I am glad to join this team. We are confident to win the championship".
Rakesh was the highest paid player in the championship this year. He fetched Rs 12.8 lakhs in auction of players held in Mumbai, Shah said.
Patna Piretes players are : Rakesh Kumar (captain) Satish Singh, Waseem Sajjad, Tae Deok Eom (south Korea), Ravi Dalal,Kuldeep Singh, Dovlet Bashimov (Turkmanistan), Mandeep Kumar, Ram Sah and Somvir Chillar.