Barely three weeks after he appeared to be going soft on Narendra Modi, NCP chief Sharad Pawar today attacked the BJP Chief Ministerial candidate on the 2002 riots issue, saying the entire country has seen the "mass murders" that took place in Gujarat.
Pawar's remarks came as he questioned Modi's development model and his claim to change the face of the country.
"Chief Minister of neighbouring state speaks about his development agenda....What is development?..It is bringing all round development in the lives of the poor and bringing smile on their faces," the Union Agriculture Minister said.
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"They speak of changing face of the country...But the entire country has seen how mass murders took place," Pawar said in a reference to the 2002 post-Godhra riots.
Early this month, Pawar had said that there was no need for a debate once courts had ruled on Modi's role during the 2002 riots
Responding to a query during a press conference in Kolhapur, the NCP chief had said, "If courts have given their verdict, then the question of holding a debate on it does not arise. We accept the court's order and there won't be any debate on it."
There was also reports about Pawar meeting Modi but the NCP leader had denied it.
Pawar today alleged that the Gujarat Chief Minister had ignored certain sections of society in his quest for power.
"These people are asking for complete power to them...But their attitude is to ignore certain sections of the society," he said while addressing a meeting to discuss the status of minorities at Y B Chavan Centre here.
Pawar's NCP is an important constituent of the Congress-led UPA at Centre and also an alliance partner in the Democratic Front government in Maharashtra.
The Maratha strongman also criticised former Mumbai police commissioner Satyapal Singh for quitting the IPS to join BJP.