Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal today issued instructions for filling the backlog of 1,084 posts reserved for visually-impaired candidates in various departments in a month.
A decision to this effect was taken by the Chief Minister during meeting with a delegation of National Federation of Blind who called on him under the leadership of its state President Vivek Monga here, an official release said.
The chief minister asked the Principal Secretary Social Security to coordinate with every department and ensure that the process was completed at the earliest.
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Badal was apprised by Secretary Welfare that applications had been called for by issuing advertisements which have been sent to the concerned departments.
Acceding to another demand of the delegation, the Chief Minister asked the Principal Secretary (Education) to put 162 posts of Junior Basic Training teachers back in the category of hobby teachers so that visually-impaired candidates could benefit from it.
He asked the department to conduct the recruitment for these posts within three months and also asked the Secretary to revive 12 posts of teachers in Government School for Blind at Jamalpur (Ludhiana).