The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has managed to get a stay order from a local sessions court against former Pakistan players, Sarfaraz Nawaz and Aamir Sohail from speaking against the board and former Chairman, Najam Sethi.
The legal advisor of the board, Tafazzul Rizvi said that the PCB had filed a damages and defamation suit against the two former players in the district court in Lahore.
"The Additional District Judge Sohail Shafiq has granted us a restraining/stay order against Sarfaraz Nawaz and Aamir Sohail from leveling false, malicious and defamatory allegations against the PCB and Najam Sethi in the print and electronic media," Tafazzul Rizvi said.
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The two players had alleged that Sethi was made Chairman in 2013 because of his political connections and also made claims of misuse of power against him.
Nawaz is known for his controversial statements in the media and in the past he has levelled serious allegations of corruption against fellow players, the board officials and even the media.