Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat on Thursday said he had inputs that people from Jamia Milia and Kashmir had entered Uttarakhand to incite passions and disrupt peace.
He warned that this will not be tolerated in the state.
"I have feedback that people from Jamia Milia and Kashmir have come here to disrupt peace. I want to warn them that it will not be tolerated," Rawat told reporters here on the sidelines of a function.
"Peaceful protests are okay but if people from outside the state come here to provoke people and disrupt peace, we will have to deal with them sternly," the chief minister said and asked such elements not to enter the state.
Reacting to the chief minister's remarks, Jammu and Kashmir Students' Association, an organisation of Kashmiri students studying here, said he should not issue "provocative" statements.
Association spokesperson Nasir Khuehami asked the chief minister to withdraw his remarks and said "ensure the safety of Kashmiri students rather than issuing provocative statements like this".
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