The Madras High Court has directed the Tamil Nadu transport department to consider taking action against motorists, who did not have rear and side-view mirrors in their vehicles.
Justices M Venugopal and Abdul Quddhose gave the direction to the transport commissioner on a representation by B Ramkumar Adityan, who said that rules mandated that vehicles should have rear view mirrors to monitor the traffic around but these are removed by several vehicle owners.
These were fitted by companies which manufactured them, but in many vehicles these were removed, he contended.
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Mostly youths in the age group of 15-24 tend to remove rear view mirrors from their vehicles and this posed a major risk to other motorists, he submitted.
Vehicles should have both rear and side-view mirrors as per motor vehicles rules.
Hence, the judges directed officials to consider action against those driving/riding vehicles which did not have rear and side-view mirrors.
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