Against the backdrop of uproar over the Delhi gang-rape, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said the government is committed to ensure safety and security of women and listed initiatives taken in this regard.
Singh said the government would also be implementing the National Mission for Empowerment of Women.
"Real and effective change in the status of women in our country can come only if there is a change in our societal values," Singh said in the Lok Sabha.
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"... Let me reiterate in the House the commitment of our government to ensuring the dignity, safety and security of every women of this country," Singh said.
The Prime Minister listed out many initiatives including Rs 1,000 crore 'Nirbhaya Fund' and 24X7 helpline number for women.
Besides, funds would be allocated to the Women and Child Welfare Ministry for addressing issues related to gender discrimination.
In the 2013-14 Union Budget, the government proposed to set up Rs 1,000 crore Nirbhaya Fund for women.