Prime Minister Narendra Modi's mother Heeraben was today conferred the "Nari Jagran Samman - 2016" award by the Nari Jagran magazine here.
Somabhai Damodar Das Modi, elder brother of Narendra Modi received the award on behalf ofhis mother Heeraben.
Nari Jagran magazine's editor Meena Chaubey andanother member Ashok Chaurasiapresented the award to Somabhai.
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Speaking on the occasion Somabhai regretted that his mother could not be present to receive this award, as his 96-year old has difficulty in travelling.
He said that this award is dedicated to all the mothers of this country and for the safety of women (Nari Suraksha).
The elder brother of PM said that he had visited Varanasi last in the year 2014 but this time he found lot of transformation Varanasi, which is the parliamentary constituency of Narendra Modi.