Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao Friday said he would visit various districts, along with ministers and officials, to resolve the issue of 'Podu' lands, which has seen friction between 'Podu' farmers and forest officials in the state.
"We have to see that the forests are not damaged. The rights of tribals should be protected. The issue of Podu lands should be addressed...," he said.
The issue of 'Podu' lands (Podu cultivation is a form of shifting cultivation) is a bone of contention with forest officials trying to enforce law in forest areas and those involved in 'Podu' farming resisting it.
A woman forest official was recently attacked by a group of people, allegedly led by the brother of ruling TRS MLA, in KB Asifabad district when the forest personnelsought to take up a plantation drive.
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