Delhi Police has issued a traffic advisory for the 39th India International Trade Fair that will begin this Thursday at Pragati Maidan here, officials said on Tuesday.
As around 25,000 people are expected to visit the fair per day till November 27, traffic congestion is likely at Mathura Road, Bhairon Road, Ring Road, Shershah Road and Purana Quila Road, the advisory said.
People not coming to the trade fair are requested to take alternate routes, it stated.
This year, there would be no entry for visitors from gate numbers 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9. The visitors will be allowed only from gate numbers 1, 10 and 11.
Entry for media persons will be from gate number 1. No entry will be allowed after 5 PM.
The tickets would be sold online and at metro stations, expect the one in Pragati Maidan.
No vehicle of visitors will be allowed parking on Shershah Road, Purana Quila Road and Bhagwan Das Road. Vehicles found parked on the above roads shall be towed away and prosecuted for improper parking and disobedience of lawful instructions, it stated.